Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

Raising Prices

Raising prices is a simple standard operating procedure of a main announcement email and then a follow up close to the time you actually raise their subscriptions. This sequence would be when you are manually increasing the pricing on your end after 60 days of a “heads up.” If you actually need your clients to take action to sign up for a new plan, that needs to be clear in the subject line and closing section of the first email along with a deadline of when that takes place.

For Google Docs, make a copy to your Google folder so you can edit:

For this Google Sheet, make a copy then export as an xls. As an xls you can then import it into your PM like Teamwork Projects:

For Airtable, click to DUPLICATE BASE to your own Airtable account. DO NOT edit the template. Click here for how you duplicate a base.